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Justice Archon

Medium Celestial, Lawful Good

Deva Movanic Male-turnaround.gif


(From Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual IV - 2006):

Justice archons consider themselves the purest champions of justice in Celestia. Decisive and self-righteous, their desire to act swiftly on behalf of justice sometimes leads them astray.

They inhabit Empyrea, the City of Tempered Souls, on Celestia's fifth layer Mertion, where reflections of their golden wings flash in its crystal-clear waters.

A few justice archons choose voluntary exile from the shining realm of Celestia. These champions remain on the Material Plane to maintain eternal watch on infernal patrols that border the Lower Planes, guarding against incursions by fiends.

Natives of Celestia, justice archons always begin existence lawful good. When in the throes of righteous fury, though, they might lash out at all who oppose them, and doing this too often can lead a justice archon to change alignment.

Combat: A justice archon does not attack without provocation, but its highly tuned sense of justice and retribution often causes it to become incensed at the mere sight of an evil being or even the suspicion of an evil act. If it is unsure of who was responsible for the wrongdoing, a justice archon uses its detect evil ability to locate evil creatures and charges headlong into battle with dreadful cries of vengeance. It uses the weapon's normal damage until it can discover the nature of its opponent's melee attack (generally as a result of being hit), then uses its justice strike if that is more effective. If the opponent provides a serious challenge, the justice archon teleports away to bring reinforcements or to strike again when it has some other advantage.

Justice archons often fight alone, but they frequently accompany other champions of good. They provide aerial support to squads of hound archons or answer magical summons to aid clerics of lawful good deities. Celestial giant eagles or celestial giant owls regularly accompany justice archons.

Alternate Versions


Hero Forge: 7 ft. (XXL)
Lore: 6 ft.
Suggested: Medium to Large

Other Monikers




- Reflect enemy's attacks back on them
- Divine Retribution
- Angelic Weapons
- Innate Spellcasting

Justice archons appear as gloriously beautiful but menacing angels, with human or elven features, donned in bright full plate. They most often have gold skin, gold eyes, gold hair, and gold wings. They are typically around 6 feet tall and weigh 190 pounds. Like many archons, they sometimes choose to appear as male or female, but do not actually have a sex.

Home Plane

Mount Celestia

Stat Block

- Monster Manual Expanded III by DM's Guild (2021)

- 5e converted stat block on reddit


- Forgotten Realms Wiki

- Monster Manual Expanded III by DM's Guild (2021)

- Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual IV (2006)

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