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Lantern Archon

Small Celestial, Lawful Good

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(From Planes of Law - Monstrous Supplement - 1995):

Lanterns, lowest of archons, appear as floating balls of light. They are the equivalent of the infantry in prime-material armies. Newly arrived to Mount Celestia, these petitioners struggle to prove their worth in order to advance in station. However, their desire is not so much advancement as a longing to help those in need. Alone of archons, they bear no metal appointments.

Lanterns are very friendly, often helping neophyte adventurers. (Accordingly, they’re a perfect introduction to Mount Celestia for prime-material player characters.) As incorporeal beings, however, they can’t do much physically to help travelers. Instead, they act as sources of information about Mount Celestia, as guides to the plane, or as fonts of inspiration (often in the form of parables and metaphors).

The most common archon, lanterns are typically found only on the first layer of Mount Celestia. There they absorb the light and essence of the plane, needing nothing more to sustain them. Sometimes they serve as messengers to the upper layers, and they can teleport to wherever needed when summoned by a hound archon. Their only goal is to reach the next station of goodness – that of the hounds.

Combat: In combat, lantern archons fire rays of light twice a round at their foes. Those who are pure of heart and intend no harm to an archon are unaffected by the rays, while others suffer 1d6 points of damage per hit. The range is 30 feet, with no modifiers.

Because of their incorporeal nature, lantern archons aren’t hurt by nonmagical weapons, and even magical weapons cause only half damage. Lanterns are affected by magic, however, though they are immune to paralyzation and charm spells. Likewise, spells that require a corporeal body to cast a spell upon are ineffective against these archons.

Alternate Versions


Hero Forge: 3 ft. (XXL)
Lore: 3 ft.
Suggested: Small

Other Monikers

Lanterns, Petitioner Souls



- Rays of Light that kill evil
- Incorporeal nature

Floating balls of light. Alone of archons, they bear no metal appointments.

Home Plane

Mount Celestia

Stat Block

- Monster Manual Expanded III by DM's Guild (2021)

- 5e Archon conversions on Reddit


- Monster Manual Expanded III by DM's Guild (2021)

- Forgotten Realms Wiki

- Planescape Monstrous Compendium Vol. I (1994)

- mojobob's website

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