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Movanic Deva

Medium Celestial, Lawful Good

Deva Movanic Male-turnaround.gif


(from Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix. I - 1994)

Movanic devas are the most privileged of all the devas, for they are sent to many other planes to aid prominent mortal followers of good deities in moments of dire need. They are able to pass into the Prime Material at will.

Movanic devas rarely appear in their natural form, instead polymorphing themselves into people or animals. Sometimes, however, the shock value of their natural form better serves their needs.

Devas inhabit the good-aligned Outer Planes: Arborea, Arcadia, the Beastlands, Bytopia, Elysium, Mount Celestia, and Ysgard. These proxies of the powers appear as stunningly handsome humans with large, feathery wings fanning gracefully from their shoulders.

Combat: Much like their astral counterparts, the movanic devas are slender and exceedingly agile. These powerful warriors of good can never be surprised. Although they canying a variety of weapons, they most often employ a two-handed sword, with which they can attack twice per melee round. The enchanted blade is in all respects equal to a sword +I, flame tongue. It does damage equal to a two-handed sword (Id10 to S or M, 3d6 to L). A movanic deva can forfeit one or both its attacks to parry one strike per attack forfeited. The parry automatically succeeds and works against magical attacks, even spells that would normally always hit (for example, magic missile).

Movanics, in addition to the powers and abilities common to all aasimon and devas, may use any wizard spell of the Invocation/Evocation school, at will, once per day. They may also use the spell-like powers anti-magic shell, protection from normal missiles, and spell turning.

The movanic deva is surrounded by a powerful protection that acts as a double-strength protection from evil and renders the deva immune to attacks from all but +2 or better magical weapons. The deva regenerates 2 hit points per melee round.

(From Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual - 2015):

Devas are angels that act as divine messengers or agents to the Material Plane, the Shadowfell, and the Feywild and that can assume a form appropriate to the realm they are sent to.

Legend tells of angels that take mortal form for years, lending aid, hope, and courage to goodhearted folk. A deva can take any shape, although it prefers to appear to mortals as an innocuous humanoid or animal.

Alternate Versions


Hero Forge: 7 ft. (XL)
Lore: 6 ft.
Suggested: Medium to Large

Other Monikers

Deva (5e), Angel, Messenger Angel



- Angelic Weapons
- Healing Touch
- Change Shape
- Flight
- Innate Spellcasting

2e: "Movanic devas have milky white skin and silvery hair and eyes. Their Charisma is 18."
5e: "A deva is a beautiful humanoid-like creature with silvery skin. Its hair and eyes gleam with an unearthly luster, and large feathery wings unfurl from its shoulder blades."

Home Plane

Upper Planes

Stat Block

5th Edition: 

- D&D Monster Manual 

- Roll20 

- DnDBeyond 

2nd Edition: 

- Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix I (1994)  

- mojobob's website


- Forgotten Realms Wiki 

- Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix I (1994) 

- mojobob's website 

- Roll20 

- DnDBeyond

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