(From Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual - 2015):
Planetars act as the weapons of the gods they serve, presenting a tangible representation of their deities’ might. A planetar can call down rain to relieve a drought, or can loose an insect plague to devour crops. A planetar’s celestial ears detect every falsehood, and its radiant eyes see through every deception.
Sometimes sent to aid powerful mortals on important tasks for good, planetars are especially fond of missions that involve battling fiends.
(from Planescape Monstrous Compendium Vol. I - 1994)
Planetars are powerful spirits that directly serve the powers of the Upper Planes. Like all aasimon, planetars are corporeal good entities that exist outside any ecosystem.
Planetars aid only the most powerful mortal servants of good. As a rule, characters of at least 12th level on a mission directly related to a good power have a base 5% chance to gain the attention of a planetar, plus 1% per level above 12th. Modify this chance according to circumstances.
Hero Forge: 7 ft. (XL)
Lore: 8 ft.
Suggested: Large to Huge
Other Monikers
Warrior Angel
- Angelic Greatsword
- Healing Touch
- Detects Lies, Truesight
- Flight
- Miraculous Innate Spellcasting
2e: "They are tall, commanding humanoids who have smooth emerald skin, white feathered wings, hairless heads, and eyes of a penetrating blue. Their overall manner projects strength and confidence."
5e: "Planetars are muscular and hairless and have opalescent green skin and white-feathered wings. They tower over most humanoids, brandishing immense swords with grace. "
Home Plane
Upper Planes
Stat Block
5th Edition:
- D&D Monster Manual
- Roll20
2nd Edition:
- Planescape Monstrous Compendium Vol 1. (1994)
- Planescape Monstrous Compendium Vol. I (1994)
- Roll20