(from Planescape: Planes of Law Monstrous Supplement - 1995):
“I’d rather not tell you about the achaierai, if you don't mind." [testily]
“Why is that?" [calmly, hint of smugness]
[pause] "There isn't much to tell." [reluctantly]
“Why?" [persistently]
"Because there isn't, there just isn't! Can't you get that through vour finned head?" [voice rises]
"No. Tell me. Tell me about them." [smoothly]
"They're foul fowl, foul fowl. FOUL FOWL, that's why! Just look out the window! Or can't you see through those slitted eyes of yours?!"
"Calm down. There's nothing there. You're safe here." [pause] “Now, unburden yourself — it'll he better for—"
[interjecting] "—oh, my gods!'' (points out window] “they're coming! Now! For me!"
"Well, it's about time." [relieved tone: gestures to nearby technicians] “Restrain her."
Written some three centuries ago by the playwright/mindsmith C. Emmet Runn. the above scene from Achaierophobia is a classic — at least on the plane of Acheron. The play is based on the true tale of a gray-elf woman, Fionara Silverbane, who had appointed herself the task of cataloguing all the lawful birdlife in the multiverse. Begun when she was only 400 years old, her travels led her to the iron cubes that comprise much of Acheron.
In Avalas (the first layer of the plane], Fionara studied the achaierai. The large, flightless birds stood some 15 feet tall. Shaped like round, plump quail, the birds had four legs and tiny, atrophied wings. Their legs and beak shone with metallic glimmers. The birds' feathers were soft and came in glorious, yet curiously subdued, colors of dim leal, burnt russet, and shadgold.
Then one day Fionara came across an achaierai recently deceased. Eager to per¬ form a closer examination, she began dissecting the bird. She had just opened up the breast cavity and was checking the bird's internal organs when two achaierai came through a tunnel toward her.
Unbeknownst (then) to Fionara, achaierai are extraordinarily intelligent and highly organized. These two had arrived to cremate their Flockmate. The achaierai were revolted beyond measure at the sight of someone dissecting one of their own. They captured Fionara and presented her “crime" to the rest of the flock. To a bird, ail demanded reparation: They condemned her to feel the same overwhelming revulsion they had felt. Bui Fionara was a scientist and steeled herseif well. During the first few centuries of her captivity, she withstood whatever torments the birds devised.
Curiously, the achaierai let Fionara keep her journals. She wrote in them daily, recording minute details about her captors. An entire century was devoted to the relationship between the achaierai and rust dragons. The birds had long domesticated some of these large, insecroid creatures, using them to burrow tunnels through the iron cubes of Acheron. The dragons were far more than mere work animals, however. A single remark from Fionara's journals sums up thc link between these two disparate species: "1 have never seen such . . . devotion between master and animal: it rivals that between Ayta, my cooshee [elven dog), and me."
As the years progressed and the achaierai developed more and moie ingenious methods of torture, there developed a contest of wills between the lone gray elf and the achaierai flock. She would not submit - and ultimately she won, though in the end that’s what broke her.
Fionara escaped to Sigil and delivered her journals to the grandson of a long-ago friend, and then promptly succumbed to madness. She was convinced the birds were after her, that this was ali some truly elaborate plot to break her. She spent her remaining decades in an insane asylum, where the mindsmith C. Emmet Runn interviewed Fionara. decided to become a playwright, and subsequently wrote an award-winning play about her (the first of many such plays for him).
Combat: Achaierai are skilled opponents, using two of their Four legs to attack per round. Each successful hit causes 2d8 points of damage. If an opponent is 10 feet or taller (or is raised to that height), the achaierai can also bite with its exceedingly wicked beak, inflicting 3d 12 points of damage.
The achaierai's metallic legs are AC -1, whereas its soft body is AC 8. In melee combat, however, the legs are the bird’s weak point. Should a leg sustain IS or more points of damage, the leg will break and the bird will try to flee. Its movement rate is unaffected until it loses two legs, at which point the rate is halved.
If a bird loses three legs or is otherwise seriously wounded, it will release a stink cloud of black toxic smoke, filling a cubic area approximately 10 feet square. Those opponents caught within ihe cloud take 2d6 points of damage automatically and must save versus poison or suffer from insanity for 3 hours. In the confu¬ sion that follows, the bird drags itself away to safety at a movement rate of 6, using its pitifully short wings to help it scramble.
As the absolutely last resort, achaierai use their domesticated rust dragons to defend their lairs. This is often a sacrificial gesture, however. The dragons create a diversion, allowing whatever remains of the flock to escape.
Achaierai are gregarious birds, forming small flocks of 1d8 members. These smaller flocks frequently congregate, particularly during their sporadic migrations. As Fionara Silverbane noted in her studies, achaierai have no set pattern for migration. They simply gather togerher. attach harnesses to many of their rust dragons, and fly to another cube in Avalas. In her long sojourn with the birds, Fionara recorded only 14 such migrations.
Achaierai mate for life, living some 30 years. Every year a mated pair produces a clutch of two eggs. The mortality rate among young achaierai is high - most notably because of their clutchmates. Achaierai reach adulthood at age three and can speak all bird languages and Planespeak (the planar equivalent of common).
These birds have an interesting symbiosis with the rust dragons inhabiting Acheron. Achaierai periodically gather rust cocoons and care for the metamorphosing creatures inside until they hatch into rust dragons. Fionara Silverbane noted considerable affection between the two species, much like dogs and humans. The dragons help create tunnels in the metal cubes for the achaierai to make Their lairs. What the rust dragons receive in return — beside affection — not even Fionara could determine.
Ecology: Found almost exclusively in the layers of Avalas and Thuldanin on the plane of Acheron, achaierai have been spotted on the Prime Material Plane, loitering in dark caverns and tunnels. They are carnivorous birds, though they supplement their diet with a considerable amount of iron, which exudes out of their exposed flesh and accounts for the high Armor Class of their legs.
(from 3.5e Monster Manual I - 2003):
A large creature stands on four stiltlike legs. It has a birdlike body, round and plump, about the size of a small pony, balanced atop its legs. Feathers that range in color from brown to red cover its body, and its terrible claws and beak glint like burnished metal.
Achaierais are massive, 15-foot-tall flightless birds that inhabit the plane of Acheron and are only occasionally encountered elsewhere. They are evil, clever, and predatory, with a distinct taste for torture.
Achaierais speak Infernal. They weigh about 750 pounds.
Combat: In close combat, an achaierai lashes out with two of its four legs and snaps with its powerful beak. It makes frequent use of its Spring Attack feat to strike quickly and then retreat out of range before an enemy can counterattack.
An achaierai’s natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as evil-aligned and lawfulaligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Black Cloud (Ex): Up to three times per day an achaierai can release a choking, toxic black cloud. Those other than achaierai within 10 feet instantly take 2d6 points of damage. They must also succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or be affected for 3 hours as though by an insanity spell (caster level 16th). The save DC is Constitution-based.
Alternate Versions
Hero Forge: 11 ft. (XXL)
Lore: Large (15 ft.)
Suggested: Large to Huge
Other Monikers
- 4 massive talons and beak attack
- AOE black smoke causes damage, confusion
- Regenerates injuries and lost limbs over 1-2 days
- Magic Resistance
A large creature stands on four stiltlike legs. It has
a birdlike body, round and plump, about the size
of a small pony, balanced atop its legs. Feathers
that range in color from brown to red cover its
body, and its terrible claws and beak glint like
burnished metal.
- Monster Manual v3.5 (2003)
- Planescape: Planes of Law Monstrous Supplement (1995)
- Monstrous Compendium: Fiend Foldio Appendix (1992)