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Medium Monstrosity, Chaotic Good

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Bariaur were one of the original playable races for Planescape. There were human-sized Bariaur who lived in Sigil and the outlands, and much larger cousins who resided in the plane of Ysgard.

(from A Player's Guide to the Planes - 1994)

The bariaur is a centaurlike being of the Upper Planes, but it's hardly a centaur. In appearance, it's a combination of man and ram or woman and ewe. Roughly human sized, it has the body of a large goat and the torso and arms of a human. The head is a mixture of human and animal. Males have a pair of ram's horns, but females lack them.

Bariaur tend to be fussy about their appearance. They usually wear shirts, jackets, blouses, vests, and leather girdles, but this is a matter of personal taste rather than decorum. They also dye, cut, and shave their pelts to make themselves look more attractive, at least to each other. The look is often finished with jewelry hung from horns or woven into their wooly hair.

Bariaur are a carefree lot. To some they appear irresponsible, but it's only a powerful wanderlust that makes them seem unsettled. There are no known bariaur towns, and few bariaur make anything like a permanent home. They do congregate in herds of their own kind, but the more dauntless range far and wide on their own or with adventuring parties. Sedentary bariaur favor a pastoral life of tending sheep herds, watching over meadows, and acting as guardians of the wilderness. This isn't to say they won't be found in cities, but those sods are usually visiting out of curiosity or on business.

Most bariaur are found on the plains of Ysgard, with smaller populations on the planes of the Beastlands, Elysium, and Arborea.  Bariaur are social and outgoing, friendly to strangers, but not foolishly trusting. They're noted for being fierce fighters, and they particularly hate giants, often going out of their way to attack these creatures.

All bariaur possess infravision (60-foot range) and have a movement rate of 15. They usually make one attack per round, but warriors can exceed this limitation as they rise in level. All bariaur are herbivorous, and even the thought of eating meat is revolting to most of them.

(from Planescape Monstrous Compendium Vol. I - 1994)

An under-reported aspect of bariaur life is their robust playfulness. They believe that that the two great goods are the advancing of their strong sense of honor and the need to have a good time. The bariaur often meet in shows of friendly rivalry on the great grassy plains of Ysgard. At these festivals they stage singing contests, tell tales, and play an intricate game not unlike polo. Human observers often mistake the rivalry for pride or pettiness, and are often completely flabbergasted when, at the end of a festival, the bariaur depart on the friendliest terms.

Even bariaur adventurers on a hard quest may arrange simple contests to remind them of the joy of life. It is a magical moment when a grimly determined bariaur happens on one of his fellows and puts aside his honor-driven quest for a few minutes (or hours) of race and sport. Such events often do them as much good as a night’s sleep. Then they return to their quests.

Nothing saddens a bariaur like learning that a companion is sad. These brave ones fear neither death nor the most monstrous manifestation of the powers of darkness; yet they have been known to journey across the most dangerous planar barriers to visit the sickbed of a valued friend.

Bariaurs are herbivores, feeding on berries, nuts, leaves and other foods gathered in the forests. They do not usually travel from one layer of Ysgard to another, but do so if the food supply in an area warrants a move.

Bariaurs have few natural enemies in Ysgard, although they battle the giants there. Flocks even attack giant lairs all-out, trying to wipe out the beasts.

Combat: Bariaurs are tough, skilled combatants. The bariaur warrior’s club is a personal icon, a family or flock heirloom handed down through generations. Each weapon’s history is etched on it in runes. To lose this personal weapon means such humiliation that the owner generally leaves Ysgard to wander other planes, returning home only when it has redeemed its honor.

In combat, a bariaur’s club has the speed factor and damage characteristics of a two-handed sword.

Even weaponless, a bariaur can butt with its horns (1d8 points of damage). Male bariaurs use this attack in nonlethal battles for dominion over the flock.

A male bariaur can charge at up to half again its normal movement rate (3d8 points of damage, 50% likely to knock down an opponent the bariaur’s size or smaller). The bariaur must move at least 30 feet to charge.

Bariaur have uncanny senses of smell and hearing, and therefore receive a +2 bonus on surprise rolls. Bariaurs have a slight enchantment, common for creatures of sylvan origin, that makes them 10% resistant to magic. Even if the resistance roll fails, hariaurs still receive a +1 bonus to any save vs. spells. They also can move from layer to layer on the plane of Ysgard at will.

Alternate Versions


Hero Forge: 7 ft. (XL)
Lore: 7 ft.
Suggested: Medium to Large

Other Monikers

Many (in their own language)



- Ram horn headbutt
- Fast movement and climb speed
- Goat butt
- Great fashion (according to them)

Bariaurs, probably a hardy relative of the centaur and created by the same sylvan being eons ago, have the body of a large ram or ewe and the torso of a muscular human. Their heads mix human and ramlike features.

Home Plane

Ysgard, Outlands

Stat Block

5th Edition:

Homebrew link

2nd Edition:

- mojobob's website


- Forgotten Realms Wiki

- Planescape Monstrous Compendium Vol. I (1994)

- mojobob's website

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