(from Fiend Folio - 2003)
Kelubars are the bureaucrats of demodand society. They act as intermediaries between the shators and the farastus, as well as supervisors of farastu squads. The slime that coats their skin is a perfect match for their odorous personalities.
Kelubars are obese, partly because of the fairly sedentary lives they lead. They weigh close to 500 pounds, stand about 8 feet tall, and have batlike wings with a span of almost 18 feet. Their skin is knobbed, rough, and leathery, and coated completely by a pale green slime that gives their dark skin a grotesque hue.
Like all demodands, kelubars revel in the subservience of others. While they prefer exchanging words to fighting, they won’t hesitate to engage in battle should the need arise. Kelubars speak the language of demodands, as well as Abyssal and Common.
Combat: If caught by surprise, kelubars try to negotiate their way into a superior position, at the very least delaying opponents with the appearance of diplomacy while they look for weaknesses in potential foes. In a fight, they first try to summon reinforcements before resorting to spell-like abilities and then melee, in that order.
Acidic Slime (Ex): The slime secreted by a kelubar adds +1d6 points of acid damage to each of its melee attacks. On a successful critical hit, this burst of acid deals +1d10 points of acid damage.
Sneak Attack (Ex): Anytime a kelubar’s target is denied a Dexterity bonus, or when a target is flanked by a kelubar, the kelubar deals an additional 4d6 points of damage on a successful melee attack.
Spell-Like Abilities: At will—detect magic, clairaudience/ clairvoyance, fear, invisibility, Melf ’s acid arrow, spider climb, tongues; 3/day—fog cloud, ray of enfeeblement; 2/day—acid fog, dispel magic. Caster level 13th; save DC 14 + spell level.
Stench (Ex): A kelubar’s slime reeks of filth and decay. All creatures (except other demodands) within 30 feet of a kelubar must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 19) or be overcome with nausea. This condition lasts as long as the creature remains within the area, and for 10 rounds after the creature leaves. A successful save means the creature is immune to that kelubar’s stench for 1 day (but not the stench of other kelubars).
Summon Demodand (Sp): Once per day, a kelubar can attempt to summon 1d2 kelubars with a 40% chance of success (result of 61–100 on d%) or 1d4 farastu with a 60% chance of success (result of 41–100 on d%).
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A kelubar retains its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class even when flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker, and it cannot be flanked except by a rogue of 11th level or higher. It can flank characters that also have uncanny dodge as if it were a 7th-level rogue.
Skills: Kelubars have a +4 racial bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive checks.
(from Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix. I - 1994)
The Kelubar are mad for wands and other small handheld magical items. By sneaking such easily concealed magical items back to the Lower Planes, the Kelubar can gain an important edge in the power struggles that characterize Gehreleth society.
The Farastu and the Kelubar can undergo a lengthy and painful process of self-liquefaction into the secretion they most frequently exude. These pools of tar and slime can be bottled and stored for centuries as a kind of ‘instant army’.
Alternate Versions
Hero Forge: 7 ft. (XL)
Lore: 6 1/2 ft.
Suggested: Medium to Large
Other Monikers
Slime demodands, slime gehreleths, slime leths
- Acidic slime that oozes from their bodies
- Claws, bite, flight
- Can transform body into acidic slime, becoming enitely liquid
- Immune to acid, poison
- Innate spellcasting
Kelubar are slimy, ebon humanoids, shorter than farastu and thicker in the lower torso and limbs. Their hands are large and their huge heads oval: the horizontal axis is longest. Their effective Strength is 20 (+8 damage adjustment), and they weigh close to 500 pounds.
Home Plane
Stat Block
- Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix I (1994)
- Fiend Folio (2003)
- Pathfinder Bestiary 3 (2011)