(from Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix I - 1994)
Wretched and horrifying, the chasme travel the layers of the Abyss in search of tanar’ri that evade participation in the Blood War.
The chasme act as the punishers of the tanar’ri. This punishment is, of course, lingering, painful death.
How the chasme spot Blood War evaders is a mystery. Although tanar’ri as a race are not psychically aware, perhaps these creatures have a psychic power that lets them read the thoughts or emotions of tanar’ri. If this ability extends to non-tanar’ri (a matter for speculation), these monsters would indeed be fearsome opponents.
In return for this duty, the chasme avoid going to the “front lines” to fight in combat formations. Instead they fill those ranks with other hapless tanar’ri. This makes them extremely unpopular among the tanar’ri, who often attack chasme on sight. Only their power and the backing of the true tanar’ri protect the chasme from annihilation.
Note, however, that the destructive activities of the chasme do not affect the war effort, for the fiends of the Abyss are nearly infinite.
Chasme reproduce from eggs. Any adult chasme can lay up to 10 eggs per year. Eggs hatch in three months, and hatchlings growing to adults in seven years.
Chasme wings have been used in brews to create potions of flying.
Combat: Anyone viewing a chasme must save vs. spells or flee in terror for 1-4 hours.
The chasme live to fight. Their physical attacks consist of a claw/claw/nose routine (2d4/2d4/1d4 damage). Claw wounds bleed profusely for 2 hp damage per round until magically healed (cure light wounds, etc.).
Chasmes buzz in a rasping voice. Living creatures who hear this drone must save vs. spell or fall into a comatose sleep. Sleeping victims must be splashed with water or vigorously stimulated to wake up. Otherwise, sleep persists for 2d4 hours or until the chasme starts to drain the victim’s blood (1d4 hp per round). A creature can be affected by this power only once per encounter.
In addition to those available to all tanar’ri, chasmes have the following spell-like powers at 8th level of spell use: detect good (always active), detect invisibility (always active), insect plague, ray of enfeeblement, and telekinesis. Three times per day a chasme can try to gate in the following: 2-20 manes, 2-5 cambion, or 1 chasme. There is a 40% chance of success.
(from Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual - 2015)
This loathsome demon resembles an unspeakable crossing of humanoid and fly. A chasme shuffles about on four spindly legs that can find purchase on walls and ceilings. A droning sound precedes the approach of a chasme, inflicting foes with a terrible lethargy that leaves them open to attack.
The lowly chasmes serve more powerful masters as interrogators or taskmasters. A chasme lives to dole out torture as punishment, and has a knack for spotting demons that have deserted their lords. Capturing and returning such traitors allows a chasme to torment the victim without fear of reprisal.
Alternate Versions
Hero Forge: 7 ft.
Lore: Large
Suggested: Medium to Large
Other Monikers
Fly Demons
- Incapacitating droning noise
- Necrotic, life-draining proboscus
- Climb on walls, ceilings
The chasme are abominable crosses between human and fly: the body of a giant fly with unnatural human arms in place of forelegs and a vaguely human head. Their mouths are tiny, but their sharp, horn-like noses can bite and draw blood. These creatures can walk on floors, walls, and ceilings as they wish.
Home Plane
The Abyss
Stat Block
- Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes (2018)
- Planescape: Monstrous Compnedium Appendix I (1994)