From Volo's Guide to Monsters (2016):
Maw demons share the ceaseless hunger for carnage and mortal flesh of their master, Yeenoghu. After a maw demon rests for 8 hours, anything devoured by it is transported directly into the Lord of Savagery’s gullet.
Maw demons appear among gnoll war bands that worship Yeenoghu, usually summoned as part of ritual offerings of freshly slain Humanoids made to him. The gnolls don’t command the demons, which simply accompany the war band and attack whatever creatures the gnolls fall upon.
Because maw demons are indiscriminate in their hunger, their stomachs contain all manner of oddities in addition to the remains of their recent prey. You may choose one or more items appropriate for your campaign for a maw demon to contain, or roll on the Maw Demon’s Stomach Contents table.
Maw Demon’s Stomach Contents:
d8 Stomach Contents
1 - Intact wine skin with wine still in it
2 - Iron skillet
3 - Remnants of silk banner embroidered with a moon-and-stars motif
4 - Corroded gauntlet with skeletal hand in it
5 - Assorted keys
6 - Old leather boot
7 - Beehive
8 - Humanoid teeth
Alternate Versions
Hero Forge: 3 ft.
Lore: Medium
Suggested: Medium to Large
Other Monikers
Abyssal Maws
- Disgorge stomach acid
- Eyes and clawed hands on all sides of its body
- Oversized maw leads to demon lord Yeenoghu's stomach
- Immune to being charmed, frightened, poisoned
A maw demon resembles an enormous toothy mouth surrounded by a small plethora of stubby appendages. The squat, bulbous body of a maw demon is practically split in half to accommodate their giant gullets and their four arms work to carry food to their slavering jaws. Their ugly hides are a shade of dull brown.