From Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Mulriverse (2022):
A shoosuva is a hyena-demon gifted by Yeenoghu to an especially powerful worshiper (typically a fang of Yeenoghu; see the Monster Manual). A shoosuva manifests shortly after a Yeenoghu-worshiping war band achieves a great victory, emerging from a billowing, fetid cloud of smoke as it arrives from the Abyss. In battle, the demon wraps its slavering jaws around one victim while lashing out with the poisonous stinger on its tail to bring down another. A creature immobilized by the poison becomes easy pickings for any nearby members of the war band.
Each shoosuva is bonded to a particular worshiper of Yeenoghu and fights alongside its master. A gnoll that has been gifted with a shoosuva is second only to a flind in status within a war band dedicated to Yeenoghu.
Alternate Versions
Hero Forge: 11 ft.
Lore: Large (6 ft. shoulder)
Suggested: Large
Other Monikers
Demon Hyenas
- Rapages after slaying a creature
- Venomous tail stinger
- Claws, bite
- Immune to being frightened or charmed
They resemble emaciated hyenodons, with the key differences being the series of bony ridges that go down their spines and their giant poisonous tail stingers. Their skin is mottled and their fur patchy, a fact made more clear by the yellow, nauseating, phosphorescent light that emits from their bodies, similar in intensity to a light cantrip. The wicked light also highlights their leprous throats, bloated eyes, and the jagged fangs that fill their slavering maws.
- Mordenkainen's Monsters of the Multiverse (2022)
- Volo's Guide to Monsters (2016)