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Large Fiend (Devil), Lawful Evil

Deva Movanic Male-turnaround.gif


(From Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse - 2022): 

When an archduke of the Nine Hells needs a creature tracked, found, and either done away with or captured, the task usually falls to an orthon. These devils are infernal bounty hunters, tireless in their pursuit of their quarry across the multiverse.

Orthons are infamous for their sharp senses. Because an orthon can become invisible at will, its quarry is often unaware of being hunted until the orthon strikes. This invisibility can be disrupted when the devil is attacked, however, so a strong counterattack is often the best defense against it.

Orthons value the challenge of the chase and the thrill of one-on-one combat above all else. An orthon’s first loyalty is to its archduke, but one with no immediate assignment might work for anyone who promises it a worthy struggle against a lethal foe. Because they travel widely, orthons are unequaled as guides through the layers of the Nine Hells.

(From Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells (2006):

This hulking fiend is covered in metal plates bolted directly to its flesh. The nails that fix the plates in place drip black blood that stains armor and body alike. The creature has monstrous features, twisted in pain but filled with a primal cunning. Rotten tusks sprout from its lower jaw and maggots wriggle in its wounds.

Orthons are foot soldiers in Hell’s armies. Though specialized in killing demons, they are equally dangerous against mortal foes.

Orthons are common on Avernus, where they see the most action. Some pit fiends and archdevils employ them as sentries. They live to fight, having little interest beyond dying for their masters. 

Environment: Native to the Nine Hells of Baator, these are creatures of the battlefield. Typical 

Physical Characteristics: An orthon stands 8-1/2 feet tall and weighs close to 500 pounds.

Society: It is an honor to die for the baatezu, or at least that’s what the orthons believe. Their sacrifice furthers the glory of Hell. Since these creatures have combat abilities nearly as dangerous to devils as they are to demons, other devils treat them well.  

Orthons live a miserable, pain-wracked existence. The armored plates hammered into their body grind against bone, muscle, and sinew. The smallest movement causes them terrible anguish. Only in combat are their minds distracted enough to allow them to rise above their misery.  

Orthons despise demons more than any other creatures. 

Alignment: Orthons are always lawful evil. They are loyal to a fault.

Typical Treasure: Orthon have typical treasure for their Challenge Rating. They usually carry mementos from previous battlefield encounters, such as jeweled belts, shields, weapons, and other trinkets.

Combat: As creatures accustomed to fighting in military units, orthons are best used in groups of four or six. They assemble themselves into ranks, two or three abreast. The front rank brandishes hellspears, while the ones in the rear fire hellfire crossbows as they advance.  

If encountered alone, an orthon moves cautiously and slowly in an attempt to engage its opponents from as far away as possible. An orthon uses its hellfire crossbow to weaken its opponents before setting its hellspear to receive a charge. It tries to spread out damage across its opponents in hopes of taxing their resources as much as possible. If hard-pressed, an orthon prefers to use greater teleport to retreat to safety, gather more of its kind, and return to fi nish off its foes.

PCs are likely to face orthons in areas controlled or contested by devils. While dim, these well-organized creatures use intelligent tactics. 

Individual (EL 8): An individual orthon is likely to be cut off from the rest of his squad or assigned to patrol an area. Using see invisibility to watch out for intruders, it retreats at the first sign of heavy resistance to gather a counterattack.  

Team (EL 10): Outside of heavily contested war zones, orthons work in pairs. One uses its crossbow and see invisibility to spot enemies, while the second one fi ghts in melee. If the orthons outnumber their foes, they draw their spears and attempt to fl ank the enemy. 

Squad (EL 12): Orthons prefer to fight in formations of four. Two orthons form a front line and use their spears, while the other two have their crossbows out while scanning the area for enemies. In battle, the orthons keep close together if they face a powerful foe. If they feel they can overwhelm their foes, they split into two teams of two and attempt to flank an enemy.

Alternate Versions


Hero Forge: 11 ft. (XL)
Lore: Large
Suggested: Large

Other Monikers

Bounty hunter devils



- Invisibility field
- Infernal crossbow bolts that mark, track, restrain, blind, explode, burn, or paralyze victims
- Poisonous Infernal dagger
- Explosive self-destruct
- 30 feet truesight
- Immune to fire, poison, exhaustion, and being charmed
- Magic resistance

This hulking fiend is covered in metal plates bolted directly to its
flesh. The nails that fix the plates in place drip black blood that stains
armor and body alike. The creature has monstrous features, twisted
in pain but filled with a primal cunning. Rotten tusks sprout from
its lower jaw and maggots wriggle in its wounds.

Home Plane


Stat Block

5th Edition:

- Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse (2022)

- Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes (2018)

- Angry Golem Games

- DnDBeyond


- Forgotten Realms Wiki

- Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse (2022)

- Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes (2018)

- Planescape: Monstrous Compendium Appendix I

- Angry Golem Games

- DnDBeyond

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