(From Mordenkainen's Monster's of the Multivers - 2023):
When angered, eladrin enter the season of summer, a burning, tempestuous state that transforms them into aggressive warriors eager to vent their wrath. Their magic responds to their fury and amplifies their fighting ability, helping them move with astonishing quickness and strike with terrible force.
General Info:
Eladrin dwell in the verdant splendor of the Feywild. They are related to the elves found on the Material Plane. But while other elves can temper their wild impulses, eladrin are ruled by emotion- and due to their magical nature, they undergo physical changes to match their changes in temperament.
Eladrin have spent centuries in the Feywild, and most of them have become Fey creatures as a result-those presented here are of the Fey variety. Some are still Humanoid, however, similar in that respect to their other elven kin.
The magic flowing through eladrin responds to their emotional state by transforming them into different seasonal aspects, with behaviors and abilities that change with their forms. Some eladrin might remain in a particular aspect for years, while others run through the emotional spectrum each week.
Changeable Natures: Whenever one of the eladrin presented here finishes a long rest, they can associate themself with a different season, provided they aren't incapacitated. When the eladrin makes this change, they use the stat block of the new season rather than their old stat block. Any damage the eladrin sustained in their previous form applies to the new form, as do any conditions or other ongoing effects affecting them.
Alternate Versions
- Fearsome Presence
- Weapons deal fire damage
- Innate spellcasting
- Magic Resistance
- Can Parry attacks
Seasonal eladrin resemble both elves and nature spirits, often leaning more heavily on the latter. Their color, appearance and abilities fluctuate with their emotional state and the four seasons of the feywild, and their moods are often so extreme that they bring those seasons with them, altering both their physical form and their environment to suit their fickle temperament.
Hero Forge: 8'5" (XXL)
Lore: Medium
Suggested: Medium
Other Monikers
Home Plane
Feywild (also Arborea, Arvandor)
Stat Block
- Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes (2018)
- Mordenkainen's Monsters of the Multiverse (2023)
- Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes (2018)
- Mordenkainen's Monsters of the Multiverse (2023)