Made with Talespire
Disclaimer: most of the buildings I make in Talespire have the exterior in mind first, to give players that initial moment of awe at their surroundings. While this is flashy, I haven't made interiors for everything, and my stuff can be cramped, messy, and performance-heavy. I take a lot of inspiration from the videogame Planescape: Torment, which had super over-detailed and visually confusing environments. I also construct these maps in a frenzy of last-minute inspiration days (or minutes) before our game begins - there isn't much time to clean things up, fix broken stairwells, etc. I depend a lot on copy-pasting slabs and terrains from templates (available below), so there's often a ton of overlapping geometry that I don't get a chance to delete. So... yeah, fair warning. As they are, these maps might not be ready for your particular players, straight out of the package, or obey the spatial standards you have for your own games. You might need to tweak them a bit first, or just use my templates as a starting point. The work of OurLivesOnline, on the other hand, looks clean as heck, so maybe use his stuff instead. ;) - Matt-GM