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Large Elemental, Chaotic Neutral

Alternate Versions


Hero Forge: 9 ft. (XL)
Lore: Medium
Suggested: Medium to Huge

Other Monikers

Shadow Genie


- Powerful Innate Spellcasting (shadow magic)
- Resistant to Necrotic
- Blindsight
- Telepathy
- Flight


This being appears to be a muscled, wiry human. Its skin is a dark and dusky gray; its beard, pants, and vest of deepest black. Its eyes appear empty, naught but tunnels into the darkest night.

Home Plane

Shadowfell (Plane of Shadow)

Stat Block

5th Edition:

- Dungeon Dad Google Doc (homebrew)


- Tome of Magic (2006) 


(From 3.5e Tome of Magic - 2006):

The khayal dwell apart from the rest of geniekind, whom they view with varying degrees of antipathy. They are particularly hostile toward the jann, with whom they have fought a hidden and sporadic war for eons. Just as the jann are genies formed of all four elements, sages postulate that the fi rst khayal were elemental spirits that materialized outside the four elements. Lacking any form at all, they drifted around the periphery of genie society, until they fi nally bonded their emptiness with the shadow of the elements. Whether this theory is accurate or not, it is undeniable that the khayal consider themselves apart from others of their kind.

Khayal look down upon most other races, including humans and other humanoids. They think of these creatures as weak and delight in deceiving them. Deception is a fi ne art among the khayal, who seem to have dishonesty in their blood. They are consummate liars, but tradition demands that should a “lesser being” ever confront one of the khayal with irrefutable proof that the individual has lied to him, the genie must then perform a service for that individual in penance for being found out. Of course, some khayal cleave to this tradition with greater devotion than others. On occasion, the khayal offer to assist mortals who have impressed them—often with their own abilities at deception—or those with whom they share a common goal. In such circumstances, the khayal always assumes a leadership role, and might be surprised that the others don’t simply accept him as superior.  

Khayal are usually the size of tall humans. Each speaks Common, any one elemental language (Aquan, Auran, Ignan, or Terran), and any one alignment language (Abyssal, Celestial, or Infernal). 

Most khayal make their homes in the City of Onyx on the Plane of Shadow. This is a community of twisted spires and high minarets, protruding in all directions and paying no heed to the laws of architecture or physics. The Malik al-Khayal, the King of Shadows, rules the khayal from the Grand Palace of Endings. The city’s marketplaces bustle with all manner of races and travelers, individuals who make use of the Plane of Shadow as a byway between other planes, but the center of the city is off limits to nonkhayal.  

The khayal penchant for deception does not extend to their own race. A khayal thinks nothing of deceiving a human, an elf, or a member of one of the other genie races, but he never lies to another khayal. Gender is a relative nonissue among the khayal; the City of Onyx makes few distinctions between its male and female citizens.  

Other khayal communities exist across the Plane of Shadow. They operate on similar principles, although their rulers usually claim the title of emir. Nobody but the true king can claim the title of malik.

Combat: Khayal are courageous and swift combatants, confident of their prowess and easily offended. They consider the concept of a “fair fight” to be a ludicrous one and make frequent use of their spell-like abilities, sneak attacks, and ambush tactics. Khayal are willing to retreat in the face of a losing struggle, but they find flight humiliating and hold grudges against those who drive them to it. 

Improved Finesse (Ex): Khayal can apply their Weapon Finesse feat to any weapon they wield one-handed, even if it is not normally a light weapon. 

Shadow Bound (Su): Khayal cannot survive for long away from the Plane of Shadow. If a khayal ever spends more than 24 consecutive hours away from the Plane of Shadow, it takes 2 points of Constitution drain. For each additional hour beyond 24 hours that a khayal remains away from the Plane of Shadow, it takes another 2 points of Constitution drain. 

Sneak Attack (Ex): Anytime a khayal’s target is denied a Dexterity bonus, or when the target is fl anked by the khayal, the khayal deals an additional 3d6 points of damage. See the rogue class feature of the same name (PH 50) for more details. 

Spell-Like Abilities: At will—black candle, pass into shadow; 3/day—dusk and dawn, sight eclipsed; 2/day—bolster (DC 15); 1/day—umbral body (1 hour duration). Caster level 8th. 


- Forgotten Realms Wiki

- Dungeon Dad (Youtube)

- 3.5e: Tome of Magic (2006)

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