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Medium Elemental, Neutral Evil

Deva Movanic Male-turnaround.gif


(From Planescape: Monstrous Compnedium Appendix II - 1994):

The harginn, or flame horror, is a grue from the Elemental Plane of Fire. On other planes a fire grue usually appears as a human with flames in place of the lower torso and legs, but it can assume the shape of a bonfire, a column of fire up to 8' high, or a bronze human statue. It moves rapidly in any form.

Fire grue features express leering evil and cruenly, In its native form a fire grue's eyes glow dark red, and its ever-changing body color takes on fiery hues such as scarlet and orange, crimson and purple-blue, and purple-blue, or yellow and orange.

Combat: The fire grue attacks by shooting a gout of flame from its fingertips, 3' wide and 6' long, that does 1d4+4 damage to all within it.

A fire grue can blink (as the wizard's spell) and always does so in battle. Some harginn use weapons, such as cutlasses, billhooks, and crossbows that launch fiery missiels (1d4 damage + 1d6 hp fire damage).

Fire grues are immune to fire-based spells such as pyrotechnics, wall of fire, fire storms, fireball, incindiary cloud, and meteor swarm. The presence of a harginn within 20' of such magic dispels the magic, even if previously permanent. Magical items are not affected.

Habitat/Society: Harginn follow a loose social order based on guilds; guild membership determines status. Higher status guilds give orders; these are not always obeyed and mutinies are common.

Female grues serve in scout, shepherd,gatherer, weaver, and hunter guilds; males serve in farmer, soldier, cook, scribe, and priest guilds. Both genders serve in the pariah guild, which performs disagreeable tasks such as burning waste and haldling water.

Ecology: Most fire grues serve the efreet, but are on poor terms with their masters and other elemental fire creatures. Some clans sail stolen efreet ships as pirates or slavers.

(From Complete Arcane - 2004):

A creature of lurid, darting flame dances and capers obscenely. Its shape and size are roughly humanoid, but its features shift and crackle like the leaping flames of a bonfire.

Harginns, or fire grues, are creatures of living flame corrupted by dark magic. Like other grues, they are malicious and destructive beings that delight in inflicting pain.

Fire grues speak Ignan, their voices rustling and crackling like flame as they taunt their foes with cruel jests and hateful laughter. A harginn is about 6 feet tall but weighs only 10 pounds (most of its substance is nothing but fire).

To determine the type of spell object contained in a fire grue, roll d%: 01-70, flaming sphere; 71-100, haste.

Combat: Harginns typically rush into melee, counting on their speed and agility to protect them while they battle wildly.

Fire Spray (Sp): Asa standard action, a fire grue can create a30-foot cone of fire, dealing 2d6 points of fire damage (Reflex DC 11 half), This ability is the equivalent of a 2nd-level spell.

Blur (Sp): Fire grues naturally flicker and waver continuously as if under the effect of a blur spell (caster level 10th). They have concealment against all attacks by creatures that rely on sight,

Alternate Versions


Hero Forge: 5'8" (XL)
Lore: Medium (6 ft. tall)
Suggested: Medium to Large

Other Monikers

Fire grue, flame horror


- Shapechange into bronze human statue, pillar of fire or back into its true form
- Gouts of flame from fingertips
- Fast movement
- Blink
- Immune to fire, dispels fire spells within 20 feet
- Sometimes uses weapons, including flaming crossbow bolts


n other planes a fire grue usually appears as a human with flames in place of the lower torso and legs, but it can assume the shape of a bonfire, a column of fire up to 8' high, or a bronze human statue.

Home Plane

Elemental Plane of Fire

Stat Block

5th Edition: 

- (homebrew)

3rd Edition:


2nd Edition: 

- mojobob's website


- 3.5e Complete Arcane (2004)

- Planescape: Monstrous Compendium Appendix I (1994)

- Al-Qadim: Secrets of the Lamp (1993)

- mojobob's website

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