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Medium Construct (Inevitable), Lawful Neutral

Deva Movanic Male-turnaround.gif


(From D&D 3.5e Monster Manual I - 2003):

Kolyaruts represent the ultimate enforcement clause in a contract - they mete out punishment to those who break bargains and oaths. Originally sent from Mechanus to avenge major betrayals, once on the Material Plane they hunt down everyone from unscrupulous merchants to army deserters. Anyone who reneges on a deal could draw the ire of a kolyarut, although the creature usually ignores inconsequential deals and rashly sworn oaths.

Before beginning a mission against a deal-breaker, a kolyarut learns as much about the contract or oath as possible. It's not interested in those who break deals accidentally or against their will - only those who willingly break contracts violate the principle that kolyaruts are created to uphold. If a written contract was broken, the kolyarut typcially carries a copy of the contract with it.

Kolyaruts are the most talkative of the inevitables, making credible attempts at social niceties such as proper greetings before getting down to the matter at hand. They can use disguise self to appear as almost any kind of humanoid - useful if they need to go undercover to catch their quarry.

Combat: Like all inevitables, a kolyarut is patient enough to study a target before striking. It has a good idea of the deal-breaker's abilities and defenses before it enters battle. When it fights, it tries to get the conflict over with as soon as possible, minimizing excess bloodshed and mayhem. It doesn't let concern for innocents delay or endanger its mission, however.

A kolyarut's favorite tactic is to use invisibility or disguise self to sneak close, then eliminate the quarry with its vampiric touch ability before it can react. A kolyarut has no compunctions about using its vampiric touch ability on allies to increase its own power, if doing so helps it complete its mission.

A kolyarut's natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as lawful-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Enervation Ray (Su): A kolyarut can fire a black enervation ray at targets within 200 feet. The effect is identical with the enervation spell (caster level 13th).

Spell-like abilities: 

At will - discern lies (DC 17), disguise self, fear (DC 17), hold person (DC 16), invisibility, locate creature, suggesiton (DC 16); 

1-day - hold monster (DC 17), mark of justice; 

1-week - geas/quest. Caster level 13th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

Vampiric Touch (Su): As a melee touch attack, a kolyarut can steal life force from its foe, as the vampiric touch spell (caster level 13th).

Skills: A kolyarut has a +4 racial bonus on Disguise, Gather Information, and Sense Motive checks.

Alternate Versions


Hero Forge: 9' 1" (XXL)
Lore: Medium
Suggested: Medium

Other Monikers

Inevitable of Oath


- Vampiric Touch
- Enervation Ray
- Regeneration
- Quickened suggestion
- Lightning reflexes
- Great fortitude
- Innate Spellcasting
- Immune to poison, most mental attacks
- Requires no air, food, drink or sleep
- Speaks all languages


This creature looks like a red-skinned humanoid made up of mechanical parts. It is dressed in ornate golden armor and a flowing golden robe. It carried a gleaming sword and wears banded mail.

Home Plane


Stat Block

5th Edition:

- DMDave Homebrew Statblock


D&D Wiki

- D&D 3.5e Monster Manual I


- Forgotten Realms Wiki

- D&D 3.5e Monster Manual (2003)

- WebDM (youtube)

- AJ Pickett (youtube)

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