(From Planescape: Torment Videogame - 1999):
There is a burning man hovering in the air over a grille in the Smoldering Corpse Bar. His skin bubbles and chars, and flames pour from his tormented eyes, yet his expression is far away, almost as if he were reveling in the flames.
Writhing in the maw of a thousand lapping tongues of flame, a billowing creature twists slowly above an iron grill upon the floor of the bar. It may have once been human, but now its skin is charred beyond recognition. Streams of fire form a wreath around the creature's body, and the flames lick at the few remaining pockets of flesh, causing them to bubble and run like wax down the creature's skeletal frame.
The heat surrounding this... creature... is incredible. To your surprise, the iron grill the thing floats above has sagged and bent from the heat. At first you think the heat comes from the grill... but now you realize it emanates from the being wreathed in fire. As you watch, flecks of ash drift from the writhing corpse and float slowly to the ceiling.
The thing makes no response. It writhes slowly within the flames -- it lives, but it doesnt seem aware of anything other than the fire that surrounds it. Its skin is flame, its heart is flame, and you know, within some shadowed corner of your memory, that this thing is dangerous.
Hero Forge: 5'9" (XL)
Lore: Medium
Suggested: Medium
Other Monikers
- Powerful spellcaster (particularly fire magic)
- Flight (hover)
- Permanent conduit to the plane of fire attached to his body
- Constantly on fire but never burns to death (fire immunity)
It may have once been human, but now its skin is charred beyond recognition. Streams of fire form a wreath around the creature's body, and the flames lick at the few remaining pockets of flesh, causing them to bubble and run like wax down the creature's skeletal frame.
Home Plane
Outlands (Sigil) and/or Elemental Plane of Fire
Stat Block
2nd Edition: