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(From Planescape: Torment Videogame - 1999):

She doesn't look much like a myth, this plump, hook-nosed crone; outfitted as she is in a simple (if dirty) brown shirt and leggings, with a number of pouches hanging from her frayed belt. She seems obligious to your presence, more concerned with the tangled black roots woven together to form the floor of the maze than anything transpiring around her.

A tangle of jagged gay hair juts from beneath the crone's hood, spreading down her shoulders like a mass oftwisted gray roots. Sickly blue-gray flesh hangs in loose folds from her face; her narrow chin, long and sharp, juts forward in an extreme under-bite, and two filthy yellow canines protrude from her lower jaw, like small tusks.

Alternate Versions


Hero Forge: Mount (6'4")(XXL)
Lore: Medium
Suggested: Medium

Other Monikers



'- Bites particularly effective against evil creatures
- Evil creatures have penalties attacking them
- Thunderous barking/roars summon more foo creatures - Become invisible or ethereal at will
- Can plane shift to Astral or Ethereal planes at will


A tangle of jagged gay hair juts from beneath the crone's hood, spreading down her shoulders like a mass oftwisted gray roots. Sickly blue-gray flesh hangs in loose folds from her face; her narrow chin, long and sharp, juts forward in an extreme under-bite, and two filthy yellow canines protrude from her lower jaw, like small tusks.

Home Plane

Gray Waste

Stat Block

5th Edition: 

- DndBeyond (Night Hag)

- Angry Golem Games (Night Hag)

2nd Edition: 

- Torment Fandom Wiki

Ravel Puzzlewell

Medium Fiend (Hag), Neutral Evil

Deva Movanic Male-turnaround.gif
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