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Dust Mephit

Small Elemental, Neutral Evil

Deva Movanic Male-turnaround.gif


(from Planescape: Monstrous Compendium Appendix I - 1994):

These ghoulish things find death morbidly fascinating. They pose as tragic yet fashionable victims of a gloomy fate, heroically holding out against utter insanity. They favor lines like “A dust mephit I am, lest dust I become!”

Gaunt even by mephit standards, dust mephits have dusky brown skin, eyes, and wings. Unlike other mephits, they prefer to wear clothing (always black), altered so as not interfere with flight.

Combat: Dust mephits attack with two weak claws (1d2 damage each). Three times a day they can breathe a 15’-radius cloud of irritating glassy dust (range 0). Those who fail to save vs. breath weapon can avoid the effect by scratching for one round. Otherwise the itching lowers AC by 4 and attack rolls by 2 for three rounds. Other mephits and creatures with thick or insensitive skins (elephant, scaly, buffalo) are immune.

Once per hour a dust mephit can attempt to gate in 1-2 other dust mephits, usually to share their tragic alienation.

They regenerate 1 hp per turn in dusty, waterless areas. They take half damage from cutting and impaling weapons and are immune to heat and fire damage of all types, but take maximum damage from liquid- and wind-based attacks.

(From 3.5e Monster Manual I - 2003):

This winged creature looks like a short, gaunt human with gray, flaky skin and a sorrowful expression. 

Dust mephits come from the Elemental Plane of Air. A dust mephit is about 4 feet tall and weighs about 2 pounds. 

Dust mephits speak Common and Auran. 


Breath Weapon (Su): 10-foot cone of irritating particles, damage 1d4, Reflex DC 12 half. Living creatures that fail their saves are tormented by itching skin and burning eyes. This effect imposes a –4 penalty to AC and a –2 penalty on attack rolls for 3 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +1 racial bonus. 

Spell-Like Abilities: Once per hour, a dust mephit can surround itself with a plume of dust, duplicating the effect of a blur spell (caster level 3rd). Once per day it can create a mass of roiling dust that duplicates the effect of wind wall (DC 15, caster level 6th). The save DC is Charisma-based. 

Fast Healing (Ex): A dust mephit heals only if in an arid, dusty environment.

Alternate Versions


Hero Forge: 3 ft. (XL)
Lore: Small/Medium (4 ft.)
Suggested: Small to Medium

Other Monikers



- Blinding dust breath
- Claws
- Flight
- Immune to poison
- Innate Spellcasting
- Summons other mephits
- Blinding burst of dust upon death


Gaunt even by mephit standards, dust mephits have dusky brown skin, eyes, and wings. Unlike other mephits, they prefer to wear clothing (always black), altered so as not to
interfere with flight.

Home Plane

Quasi-Elemental Plane of Dust

Stat Block

5th Edition:

- Monster Manual (2014)

- Angry Golem Games

- DndBeyond



2nd Edition:

- mojobob's website


- Forgotten Realms Wiki

- 5th Edition Monster Manual (2014)

- DndBeyond

- 3.5e Monster Manual


- Planescape: Monstrous Compenedium Appendix I (1994)

- mojobob's website

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