Alternate Versions
Hero Forge: 3 ft. (XL)
Lore: Medium (5 ft.)
Suggested: Small to Medium
Other Monikers
Gem mephit
- Glitterdust breath blinds and outlines invisible enemies
- Claws
- Flight (clumsy)
- Passes through solid rock and crystal
- Innate Spellcasting
- Immune to poison
These thickly-built mephits look like earth mephits. Their skin and wings glitter with ground mica. The rigid metallic wings have no obvious function in the mephit’s magical flight. Like their earthy kin, mineral mephits are clumsy in flight. They have no odor.
Home Plane
Quasi-Elemental Plane of Mineral
Stat Block
(from Planescape: Monstrous Compendium Appendix I - 1994):
These thickly-built mephits look like earth mephits. Their skin and wings glitter with ground mica. The rigid metallic wings have no obvious function in the mephit’s magical flight. Like their earthy kin, mineral mephits are clumsy in flight. They have no odor.
These suspicious, greedy, and self-righteous mephits show an attitude common in their native plane of Minerals: They style themselves guards of all treasure, whether or not they own it.
Combat: Mineral mepbits attack with two claws (Id4 damage each). Their breath weapon works as glitterdust (no range, 10’ radius) three times a day at 3rd level of magic use. They can move through stone walls less than a foot thick as though insubstantial.
Once per hour, mineral mephits can attempt to gate in 1- 2 other mephits, either earth or mineral. If two arrive, they are the same type. Mineral mephits do not breathe and are immune to gas attacks of all kinds. Vacuum and nonmagical impaling weapons do no damage. Passwall or transmute rock to mud destroys them instantly.
Mineral mephits regenerate 1 hp per turn in contact with stone. Gems and jewelry also restore hit points but are consumed in the process, 10 gp of value lost per hp restored.