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Introductory Cinematic from Planescape: Torment - The Unoffocial Audio Series.

(From Planescape: Torment Videogame - 1998):

"You are nameless. You awoke on a slab in the Mortuary in Sigil, covered in scars and tattoos, your memory gone. Who has done this to you, and why? You don't know... yet. But you're going to find out."

Opening Text:

You wake up on a slab covered in dried blood and viscera. Next to you is a device that looks like some kind of sewing machine; arms with hooks, tubes and metallic thread hang from it. Around you is a system of rails running throughout the room. It looks like these slabs can be moved around in these rails. You catch movement from the corner of your eye: a floating skull? No, you realize; a floating, talking skull.

"Hey, chief, you okay? You playing corpse, or you pullin' the blind on the dusties? I thought you were a deader for sure."

You: "Who are you?"

Skull: "Who am I? Well, how about you start? Who're you?"

You: "I... I don't know... I... I can't remember."

Alternate Versions


Hero Forge: 9'4" (XXL)
Lore: Medium
Suggested: Medium

Other Monikers

Michael T. Weiss


- Impossible to kill, regeneration, ageless, high pain tolerance
- Severe amnesia
- Past incarnations provide motor memory for a staggering variety of skills, magic, knowledge, and styles of combat... if only any of it could be remembered


Every inch of the Nameless One's flesh is scarred, seemingly from an impossible number of old and mostly unrelated wounds, many looking fatal. His body is so maimed, cold and pallid that he is easily mistaken for a corpse. Looking past these grim details he is a large, muscular human man in a lioncloth and primitive-looking bone belt and straps. Old beads decorate his graying black hair. Even without the scars and corpulent skin he would look tired.

Home Plane


Stat Block

5th Edition: 

- Giant in the Playground forums (homebrew)

2nd Edition: 

- Torment Fandom Wiki

The Nameless One

Medium Humanoid, Any Alignment

Deva Movanic Male-turnaround.gif
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