Made with Hero Forge
Disclaimer: There's no paywalls on this site. Every image has a free Hero Forge link available, and (often) a lore page describing the creature. You can view and modify any of these minis using the Hero Forge interface, and buy what you want from their system. Hero Forge is designed for humanoids, not monsters, so most of these are made from kit-bashed versions of adventuring items, shields, or any other prop I can cram into the mini to change its shape. I enjoy the challenge, but you need a certain level of expectation about the result. Some of the minis use floating item bugs and other tricks. If you want to print a physical mini, Hero Forge charges more, and won't handle any free-floating objects that aren't physically connected to the base. Floating stuff seems to work fine in VTTs like Talespire, fortunately. A lot of the monsters have lore pages, but not all. It takes a fair bit of time to build these pages. I'll get around to it. My priorities change like the wind, but in an ideal world, I want to try to make every monster in Planescape's 2nd edition; and maybe a few monsters from 5th edition, if I have time. There's also tons of minis I'd love to update with the new features (custom faces, full kit bashing, etc.), not to mention all the experience I've accumulated since I started. If you have preferences or requests about how I spent my time, feel free to ask from the Contact page. - Matt-GM